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This Week's Column

Joe Siple--former television sports reporter and anchor--shares his insight on sports-related stories.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

"Anti-All-Star" Team Full Of Twins

When the Twins screw up, they hear about it. Everyone likes to point it out...over and over and over. And it's true that playing pretend GM can be an entertaining way to pass an afternoon. With David Ortiz as the latest example of players the Twins have developed only to let go, the second guessing seems second nature. But what about the smart moves? What about the guys that we let go--or traded--and have gone on to bring a different team down? Can't think of any? Dayn Perry of sure can.

Perry points out three former Twins as being the worst in the league at their position. They are...drum roll please.

Doug Mientkiewicz, firstbaseman for the New York Mets. Good old Dougy Baseball, who couldn't believe we would want a power hitter like Justin Morneau instead, is hitting .218 this season.

Christian Guzman, shortstop for the Washington Nationals. Guzy's on-base percentage is .239 and he's as nonchalant as ever in the field.

Eric Milton, starting pitcher for the Cincinnati Reds. With an E.R.A over 7, there's really not much else that needs to be said. But I'll say it anyway, he's on pace to break Burt Blyleven's 1986 record for most long balls allowed.

I have a couple honorable mentions I'd like to add. Remember Chuck Knobloch? You know, the Twins stud second baseman who went to New York and forgot how to throw the ball from second to first? And, maybe the best Anti-All-Star ever, LaTroy Hawkins. Who else can inspire a website called How bad is LaTroy (who, by the way, was the best set-up guy in the league for the Twins)? Any time an opposing pitcher comes in and blows a lead, he's automatically called LaTroy. Not exactly flattering.

Even though it's entirely overdone, I'm going to sing the praises of Twins GM Terry Ryan. With all the Anti-All-Stars, and none still in the Twins uni, he could be doing worse. Much worse.


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