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This Week's Column

Joe Siple--former television sports reporter and anchor--shares his insight on sports-related stories.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

We Never Had That When I Played Legion Ball If you're a fan of American Legion baseball in this part of the state, write that down and visit it often.

"Back in the day" when I was playing legion ball, the Post Bulletin would print stories of our games in the newspaper and KTTC, in my three years of playing, came out once. After we won the state tournament, Dan-O and Pat Lund did a VOSOT with me and Restovich. That was our exposure. Now--and it's about time--fans and players of American Legion baseball can get everything they want on the Internet as well.

Jason Fink is the webmaster of He plans to post scores, stats, standings and other tidbits on the site. It sounds like a great opportunity for legion baseball to get some deserved recognition. Maybe word will spread and lots of people will visit the site often. Maybe it will be more of a fan base following.

No matter how popular or unpopular the site becomes, I encourage those involved with legion baseball in any way to check it out. Most importantly, coaches (or someone else affiliated with the team) need to help keep the site updated by making a habit of e-mailing their scores and stats as soon as possible after each game. There's nothing worse than clicking on to a site to see how your favorite hitter is doing, or to check the E.R.A of the pitcher your going to face next week, and find that his stats are still from the second game of the season.

With help, the site can work. If it works, it can only be a good thing. It can only generate more interest for American Legion baseball in this corner of the state. And whether you're a player, coach or fan, more interest in baseball is a good thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great move. At least now we will get some REAL LOCAL scores and hopefully the box scores as well. KROC radio spends so little time on LOCAL sports and sports in general, but I guess it's easier to engage in meaningless banter. Kttc won't put the scores out for us if the games aren't over by 9PM. The PB seems to refuse to put box score in for LOCAL baseball and hockey.
This is a great idea. Keep up the good work.

2:08 PM  

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